After reading the three assigned readings, I have learned about the open pedagogy, OERs (open educational resources), OEP (Open educational practices), filtered internet, AUPs(Acceptable use policies), and I have also noticed the connections between those terms.
Before I read the reading A guide to making open textbooks with students, I have never heard about open pedagogy. However, I immediately linked the open pedagogy to open learning and open purses, which were discussed in the assigned readings in the previous topics. Initially, I thought it was another term associate with online learning. Still, after I read about it, I noticed that open pedagogy could also associate with all kinds of learning, like face-to-face learning, online learning, or the mix of face-to-face and online learning. As I read the article named Defining OER-enabled pedagogy in Topic 4, I also realized the difference between open pedagogy and OER-enabled pedagogy. (1)
There were three sets of open pedagogy which Claude Paquette brought up. The first one is autonomy and interdependence. For my understanding of this part, it means the self-control of the learners and the dependence between online platforms and the users (learners and educators). For the second set, freedom, and responsibility, I think it mainly talks about the freedom to choose the ways of learning, the technology to use, and what kind of equipment to access.
The responsibility is more about participating and responsibility which is strongly associated with the third set: democracy and participation. For the responsibility and participation part, I believe it also associates with the AUPs(acceptable use policies), which regulate student’s engagement with information technology. As open pedagogy is about finding the best ways to teach their students, it is also essential to protect them. Therefore, besides protecting the filtered internet that schools provide, students also have the responsibility to be aware of what information they search for and using appropriate words while participating in open pedagogy.
To compare open pedagogy and OER-enabled pedagogy, autonomy and interdependence; freedom and responsibility; democracy and participation for open pedagogy and Reuse, Revise, Remix and Redistribution play essential roles. First, I believe the open pedagogy is more about what students and teachers should follow, and the terms of OER-enabled pedagogy are more about what students are allowed to do by their teacher or schools. I think the terms in open and OER-enabled pedagogy can co-exist and work together to improve teaching. The words in open pedagogy ensure the rights of students, and the terms in OER-enabled pedagogy tell students what they are allowed to do. (2)
Control of the technology and internet by media organizations or community groups was also discussed in reading Chapter 4: Design Principles for Indigenous Learning Spaces, which reminds me of the technology control of our school. For example, we can only access school computers by using our account name and passport, which is the first step to protecting our privacy. Then we must log out when we were finished using the computers, which also covers our privacy. Also, our activities on the school account were remembered and monitored by the school, which could find out the inappropriate records and keep the whole school’s online environment safe.Additionally, sometimes students are also limited by the equipment they use to access files or websites. Schools only admit them to use those platforms through registered computers such as the computer in the school library, limiting students’ study location. However, on the good side, this action also protects the students because sometimes they cannot have the same protection from school when accessing those websites using their equipment. (3)